Last week Oracle University arrange Seminar by Performance Management guru Craig Shallahamer in India. Craig brings his unique experiences to many as a keynote speaker, a sought after teacher, a researcher and publisher for improving Oracle performance management, and also the architect of Horizone, OraPub's service level management solution.
His way of teaching is very very good , also contents of seminar is different and very effective. He focused on accurate performance diagnosis of even the most complex Oracle systems and how oracle interact with OS and application’s. I have been reading Craig’s papers/articles for long time , but never got full/big picture. After attending seminar his papers/articles look easy to understand.
Focus point of seminar was how to pin point issue area and different method to resolve it. He also cover some area of Mutex, IMU ( In memory Undo ) and performance forecasting etc. The way he teach latch Internals, anybody can understand it, even small kids J, he Create an honest and understandable story explaining the problem, the solutions, and how to best implement your solutions in a complex and highly available Oracle environment.
Second day of training , we had little tough time , as next to our conference hall in Oberoi Hotel, New Delhi , Shahrukh Khan( One of India Famous actor) was coming to inugrate/launch "Kya Aap Paanchvi Paas Se Tez Hain" new serial on Star Plus channel. But Craig enjoy music and continue with training